Study and Careers: January 2014

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Thursday, 9 January 2014

Ministry of Culture Recruitment 2014 invites applications for Various Vacancies

Ministry of Culture has given a notification as Ministry of Culture Recruitment 2014 for filling up various vacant seats.

Applicants who want to make their career in the Government sector, they must read the complete notification because this is the best chance for them.

Aspirants who are interested for these jobs, they have to apply before the closing date. For this job hunters have to fill the application form.

More details regarding this post like qualification, how to apply process, selection process are described on this page by the

Details of Ministry of Culture Recruitment 2014:

Name of the Organization
Ministry of Culture
Post Name
Total No. of Vacancies
10th / 12th / Graduate
Age Limit
Between 18-65 years
Selection Mode
Test / Practical test / Interview
Last date
Within 30 days

Post, vacancies and Salary Details:

Post Name
No. of Vacancies
Salary (per month)
Rs. 25, 000/-
Preservation Assistant
Rs. 15, 000/-
Conservation Attendants
Rs. 10, 000/-
Preservation Assistant
Rs. 12, 000/-
Rs. 9, 000/-     

Academic Qualification:
  • Candidates must have completed 10th / 12th / Graduation in relevant discipline from recognized University/ Institution.
  • To know more about qualification you must check the official notification.

Age limit:

Age limit of the aspirants should be in between 18-65 years.

Mode of Selection:

Job hunters will be selected on the basis of their performance in Test / Practical test and Interview.

How to Apply?
  • Contenders may apply through the official website which is
  • After visiting the site, you have to find the proper notification under the “What’s New” section.
  • Visit that link.
  • Download the Application Form.
  • Fill the form in the correct manner. Your information must be complete and true.
  • Affix your passport size photograph on the form.
  • Take the hard copy of the form.
  • Attach entire documents with the form. Documents should be attested.
  • The application form along with documents must be sent at the given address before the closing date.

“The Director General of Archives,
 National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi”

Last Date:

Application must be reached within 30th days from the publication of this advertisement.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Uttarakhand High Court Personal Assistants Recruitment 2014

High court of Uttarakhand, Nainital is Issued Notification for Recruitment of 07 Personals Assistants Posts. Eligible candidates can apply before3rd February 2014 

Important Dates to Remember :

Last Date of Submission of Application: 3rd February 2014
Date of Written Examination: 22 & 23.02.2014

Post names and Vacancy Details :

Name Of the PostNo. of Posts
Personals Assistants07 (Seven)

Educational Qualifications :

Name Of the Post
Educational Qualification
Personals Assistants
·         Applicants Must possess a Bachelor’s degree of a University established by Law in India or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto.
·         Must possess good knowledge of English Shorthand and typing with minimum speed of 40 words per minute in English and 100 words per minute in English Shorthand.

Age Limit :
Applicants age must be between 21 years to 35 years as on 1st July 2013. Age Relaxation will be applicable as per Govt. rules.

Pay scale :
Eligible Applicants can get Rs.9300-34800/- Pay Scale with Rs.4600/- Grade Pay per month.

Selection Process :
Selection process will be basis of Written Examination Or Interview.

Application fees :
Unreserved Applicants(GEN & OBC) need to pay RS.300/- and Reserved applicants(ST/SC/PWD) applicants need to pay Rs.150/- in the form of Demand Draft ion the favour of Registrar General, High Court of Uttarakhand, payable at Nainital.

Punjab & Sind Bank Charted Accountant Recruitment 2014

Punjab & Sind Bank, New Delhi is Issued Notification for Recruitment of 03 Chartered Accountant posts. Eligible candidates can apply before 31st January 2014 

Important Dates to Remember :

Last Date of Submission of Application: 31st January 2014
Last Date of Submission of Application in Flung Area: 15th February 2014
Date of Group Discussion / Interview: 1st March 2014 

Post names and Vacancy Details :

Name of the postNo. of Posts
Chartered Accountant03
01- – - – -0203

Educational Qualifications :

Name of the postEducational Qualification
Chartered Accountant
  • A Graduate from any University with a pass in the final Examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
  • 5 Years & above working experience in a Private/Public Sector/Foreign/ Reputed Investment Bank preferably in Processing Corporate Proposals.

Age Limit :
Applicants maximum age limit is 35 years as on 31st December 2013. Age Relaxation will be applicable 5 years for ST/SC, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD Applicants as per Govt. rules.

Pay scale :
Eligible Applicants can get Rs.25700-31500/-Pay Scale per month.

Selection Process :
Selection process will be basis of Group Discussion or / and interview.

Application fees :
Unreserved Applicants(GEN & OBC) need to pay RS.100/- in the form of Demand Draft in the favour of PSB SO RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2013-14” payable at New Delhi as per.

for detailed Notification

How to Apply :

Eligible applicants can apply prescribe format along with all required documents attested photocopies of testimonials/enclosures accompanied with DD of requisite amount/fee should be sent to General Manager (HRD) Punjab & Sind Bank, HO. Human Resource Development Dept. 5th Floor “BANK HOUSE” 21-Rajendra Place, New Delhi-110008 on or before 31st January 2014.

Deccan Gramin Bank Hyderabad 339 Office Assistant & Office Scale Posts 2014

Deccan Gramin Bank, Hyderabad is Issued Notification for Recruitment of 339 Office Assistant & Office Scale-I, II, III posts. Eligible candidates can apply before 7th January 2014 to 22nd January 2014 though online. 

Important Dates to Remember :

Online Application Starting Date: 7th January 2014
Online Application Last Date: 22nd January 2014

Post names and Vacancy Details :

Sl. noName Of the PostNo. of Posts
1Office Assistant (Multipurpose)188
2Officer Scale-I121
3Officer Scale-II (GBO)15
4Officer Scale-II (IT)04
5Officer Scale-II (CA)01
6Officer Scale-II (Law Officer)01
7Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)01
8Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer)01
9Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer)02
10Officer Scale-III05


Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-II Advertisement published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 6th July – 12th July, 2013.

Educational Qualifications :

Name Of the PostEducational Qualification
Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
  • Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent.
  • Proficiency in local language.
  • Knowledge of Computer skills.
Officer Scale-I
  • Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent.
Officer Scale-II (GBO)
  • Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
Officer Scale-II (IT)
  • Degree from a recognised University in Electronics / Communication / Computer Science / Information Technology or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
  • Certificate in ASP, PHP, C++, Java, VB, VC, OCP etc.
Officer Scale-II (CA)
  • Degree from a recognised University in Certified Associateship (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
Officer Scale-II (Law Officer)
  • Degree from a recognised University in Law or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)
  • Certified Associateship (CA) from Institute of Chartered
    Accountants of India or MBA in Finance from a recognized university/ institution
Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer)
  • MBA in Marketing from a recognized university.
Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer)
  • Degree in Agriculture/ Horticulture/ Dairy/ Animal Husbandry/ Forestry/ Veterinary Science/ Agricultural Engineering/ Pisciculture from a recognized university or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
Officer Scale-III
  • Degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.

Age Limit :

Name Of the PostAge Limit
Officer Scale- III21 years – 40 years
Officer Scale- II21 years – 32 years
Officer Scale- I18 years – 28 years
Office Assistant18 years – 28 years

Age Relaxation will be applicable 5 years for ST/SC, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for PWD Applicants as per Govt. rules.

Selection Process :

Selection process will be basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview.

IBPS Score Card :

Office Assistant (Multipurpose)88 & Above95 & Above
Officer Scale-I95 & Above98 & Above
Officer Scale-II (GBO)101 & Above107 & Above
Officer Scale-II (IT)101 & Above107 & Above
Officer Scale-II (CA)101 & Above108 & Above
Officer Scale-II (Law Officer)107 & Above114 & Above
Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)103 & Above109 & Above
Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer)99 & Above106 & Above
Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer)105 & Above112 & Above
Officer Scale-III103 & Above109 & Above

How to Apply :

Eligible applicants can apply through Deccan Bank official website  on or before 7th January 2014 to 22nd January 2014. For more details about Deccan Bank Details checkout notification file.

How to Build E-commerce Websites

Building an e-commerce website is just like starting a new business and its success depends on a well structured and detailed site plan and architecture. With a realistic implementation plan, the chances of success can be increased greatly.

First of all, have a clear idea of what the primary objective is for your site. Not all ecommerce sites are virtual stores selling products. There are other reasons in addition to selling products or services for building an ecommerce site like:

  •       Developing brands
  •       Improving existing marketing programs
  •       Selling products and services
  •       Launching new products or services
  •       Developing a clear understanding of customer needs
  •       Improving after-sales services

 Based on the objective you have, you can take different approaches to plan better on building your site.

1.Business Objectives: If your goal is set to sell products, target business process list on the site. You may need images and specification of the products, put shopping cart, payment gateway for money transaction to achieve your business goal.

2.Website features: To achieve a business goal, there are certain web functions which you need to focus on. Like automatic email to send emails to customers, an electronic catalog system to help customers view the products, selling concept or specifications and a payment gateway to process a payment.

3.Development Plan: You need to understand your company’s aim, content, business objectives as well as of the whole development process. Also acquire a great deal of information about existing competitors’ site analysis and reassert data related to the industry. At this stage of development, try to build the site and assign responsibilities.

4.Domain registration: During the process of developing your site, you should have a domain name for registration. Avoid fancy names. A name is fine as long as it is related to your business. Use simple and short names.

After registration of your domain name, try to use it immediately. Designing a single page small website with information on the upcoming site and publishing it is a great idea. It is a good idea to get online as soon as possible as older the site , the greater favor from the search engines.

The work is not done yet and there is lots you have to do. For designing and developing an ecommerce website, it is best to avail the help of the expert ecommerce web site designers. There are many ecommerce web development services available online who can guide you to achieve better results.

Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) competing with CBSE over high pass percentage

State education department is at wits end to ensure that Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) student to obtained marks equallent to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The wide difference between the aggregate percentages is reducing the number of state board students in state premier colleges. 

Kalicharan Saraf, education minister has formed a three member committee to look into the matter said, "This is very serious issue. Our state board students lagging behind in opportunities in higher education institutes and jobs due to wide difference in marks obtained by RBSE and CBSE students." 

Notably, the pass percentage of CBSE Ajmer region in class X is 99.22 against the RBSE pass percentage of 64% in the academic year 2012-13. Board is also planning to introduce Comprehensive and Continues Evaluation on the lines of CBSE. 

(Courtesy : times of india)

Lucknow University allows webcast of 56th convocation

Lucknow University has decided to webcast live its 56th convocation to be held on January 9. Those who cannot attend the convocation ceremony in person can see it live via university's website ( Though the university is 91 years old, the tradition of holding convocation began late and this year, it's the 56th convocation.

Vice President Hamid Ansari will deliver the convocation address and chief minister Akhilesh Yadav will be the chief guest. Governor BL Joshi, who is also the chancellor of state universities will also grace the function. In addition, former director general, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), RA Mashelkar has also given his consent to attend the function.

University proctor Manoj Dixit confirmed that the university will webcast the convocation live. Viewers will need high speed Internet connectivity to watch it live. Besides, two LED panels will be put up on both sides to facilitate distance viewing.

The idea, said officials came from a former LU student who visited the university to set up LED screens. Teaching community has hailed the university's decision of going tech-savvy.

(Courtesy : times of india)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Ordnance Factory ( Itarsi ) Invites Applications for 123 Different Posts (Recruitment 2013-14)

Ministry of Defence, Ordnance Factory, Itarsi invited applications for Recruitment of 123 various vacancies in Non-Industrial Establishment and Industrial Establishment in Semi Skilled grade. The candidates eligible for the posts may send their applications in the prescribed format along with all the required testimonials to reach within 21 days from the 1st date of the week of the publication of this Advertisement. Ordnance Factory Itarsi is a census town in Hoshangabad district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
Important Dates
  • Last date for receipt of application forms: 11 January 2014 (within 21 days from the 1st date of the week of the publication of this Advertisement)
  • Last date for receipt of application forms for the applicants residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Laddakh division of Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi sub division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep: 18 January 2014 (within 28 days from the 1st date of the week of the publication of this Advertisement)
Vacancy Details

Name of the Post
  1. Post Graduate Teacher (Chemistry): 1 post
  2. Sr. Nurse Grade II: 2 posts
  3. Laboratory Assistant: 2 posts
  4. Store Keeper: 1 post
  5. Civilian Motor Driver (OG): 7 posts
  6. Supervisor Gr. III Canteen: 1 post
  7. Fireman: 13 posts
  8. Photographer: 1 post
  9. Telephone Operator Gr. II: 1 post
  10. Ward Sahayak: 2 posts
  11. Durwan: 17 posts
  12. Multi Tasking Staff: 15 posts
  13. CPW (SS): 35 posts
  14. Electrician (SS): 9 posts
  15. Carpenter (SS): 3 posts
  16. Fitter Refrieration (SS): 4 posts
  17. Fitter Electronics (SS): 3 posts
  18. Fitter General (SS): 3 posts
  19. Fitter Instrument (SS): 1 post
  20. Boiler Attendant (SS): 2 posts
Total No. of posts: 123
Age Limit
  • Candidate’s age should be between 18 to 30 years as on 11 January 2014 for post no. 1 and 3.
  • Candidate’s age should be between 18 to 32 years as on 11 January 2014 for post no. 5 and 13 to 20.
  • Candidate’s age should be between 18 to 27 years as on 11 January 2014 for post no. 2, 4 and 6 to 11.
  • Candidate’s age should be between 18 to 25 years as on 11 January 2014 for post no. 12
Educational Qualification
  • Post Graduate Teacher (Chemistry): Masters Degree in concerned subject, Degree or Diploma in Teaching or Education with 3 years teaching experience in Higher Secondary School.
  • Sr. Nurse Grade II: 12th or equivalent examination with Science subjects, possess certificates as Registered Nurse and Midwife having passed General Nursing and Midwifery course from a school of Nursing or other institution recognized by the Indian Nursing Council with Minimum 2 years experience in a recognized hospital out of which 1 year in Operation Theater and Must have working knowledge of computers.
  • Laboratory Assistant: Higher Secondary in Science or equivalent.
  • Store Keeper: 12th or equivalent examination passed.
  • Civilian Motor Driver (OG): 10th passed and must Possesses licence for driving light and heavy vehicles with basic knowledge in automobile repairing.
  • Supervisor Gr. III Canteen: 10th or equivalent examination passed.
  • Fireman: 10th passed, must have completed basic course on elementary fire fighting and must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties.
  • Photographer: Matriculate with Diploma in Photography and two years experience in photography.
  • Telephone Operator Gr. II: 12th passed and proficiency in handling of PBX Board and Electronics Exchanges.
  • Ward Sahayak: 10th or equivalent examination and Knowledge of First-aid, Nursing and Ward Procedure.
  • Durwan: 10th or equivalent examination and must be physically fit for the duties of Durwans as per specified standard.
  • Multi Tasking Staff: 10th or equivalent examination passed.
  • CPW (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Attendant Operator or Mechanic Maintenance or Instrument Mechanic or Laboratory Attendant.
  • Electrician (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Electrician.
  • Carpenter (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Carpenter, Furniture and Cabinet Maker.
  •  Fitter Refrieration (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Refrigeration & Air Conditioning.
  • Fitter Electronics (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Electronics Mechanic.
  • Fitter General (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Fitter General.
  • Fitter Instrument (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Instrument Mechanic.
  • Boiler Attendant (SS): 10th or equivalent examination passed and National Council for Vocational Training Certificate in the Boiler Attendant.
Application Fee
  • General & OBC category candidates are required to pay application fee of Rs.100/- for the post no. 1 & 2 and Rs.50/- for post no. 3 to 20 in the form of Crossed Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft in favour of General Manager, Ordnance Factory, Itarsi.
  • SC/ST/PHP and Ex-Serviceman Candidates are exempted from payment of fees.
Pay Scale
  • Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4800/- for post no. 1.
  • Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4600/- for post no. 2.
  • Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.2400/- for post no. 3.
  • Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.1900/- for post no. 4 to 9.
  • Rs.5200-20200/- + GP Rs.1800/- for post no. 10 to 20.
Selection Process
Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Test, Measurement of Physical Standards, Screening Test, Endurance Test and Skill Test.
How to apply
  • Eligible candidates can apply through prescribed format as available in the notification.
  • Application Form, duly complete in all respect, along with DD, Two additional passport size photos, Copies of required certificates (Educational, Technical qualification, Caste, proof of Date of Birth etc) duly attested by a Gazetted officer and Attested copy of Identification (ID) proof should be submitted to the General Manager, Ordnance Factory, Itarsi (M.P)-461122 within 21 days from the 1st date of the week of the publication of this Advertisement