To explore the world of Robotics, iRobokid has come up with a unique way to teach children via robots. The iRobokid team consists of a team of educators and engineers, which uses robotics as a medium to create, test, and deploy hands-on, mind-on activities and curriculum designed to teach STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to children of today.
The idea is to get children future ready via robotics, to get our children on par v/s global peers and so they are enabled to think and act on their own. iRobokid is the venture of four friends, with diverse qualifications in varied fields, ranging from advertising & marketing, metallurgy, agricultural commodities to engineering bound by a single passion of enhancing and empowering quality technological education and awareness to the generation of tomorrow. iRobokid aims at giving children an early introduction to science and technology in a manner which is friendly, pleasing and interesting. The aim is to make science and technology interesting and at the same time challenging.
The vision of iRobokid is to provide an early opportunity for children to embrace technology creativity and to challenge their skills and be inspired to explore and enjoy the wonders of technology. The curriculum of iRobokid is developed by Carnegie Mellon University and Lego. The content and methods are structured and modified based on age, groups and appropriate levels.
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